Welcome to Laida Holiday Home Stay, Laida Holiday Homestay offers you comfortable rooms and a pleasant atmosphere. Here, you can enjoy tourist destinations such as Sareolsar Lake, Great Himaclayn National Park, Jibhi Water Fall, Jalodi Pass , Chehani Kothi, Tirthan Valley, Sunset point Kelotandi (Laida) etc.,. You can explore nature and waterfalls, and after sightseeing, you also have the opportunity to savor delicious Himachali cuisine.
- Laida Holiday Homestay provides you with an opportunity to experience the local way of life. You can learn about village life, engage in conversations with local people, and immerse yourself in their traditions and local arts and culture.
- This homestay offers you the convenience of comfortable rooms where you can relax. It is a typical Himachali accommodation that provides you with necessary amenities.
- Popular food options in Himachal Pradesh include dishes that incorporate local flavors Siddu with Desi Ghee, Childa, Babroo, Babroo, Rajmah etc and Seasonal veg and ingredients. You can savor popular Himachali delicacies and learn about the traditions of local food items.
We will be delighted to welcome you! By coming to Laida Holiday Homestay, you can not only enjoy a comfortable retreat but also experience local life, savor the taste of Himachali cuisine, and create memorable moments. Guest satisfaction is our top priority, and we are eagerly awaiting your arrival.
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Work From Home
When work from home means, work from hotel. We have space available for WFH as well. You can setup your workstation in a peaceful area here.
Electricity Power
Electricity facility is 24*7. In case of bad weather, we have also generators if required.
Many travelers consider wireless Internet access more important than other things. We have Internet facility availabe here.
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"Streamlined hiring. GetLance’s sophisticated algorithms highlight projects you’re a great fit for. Top Rated and Rising Talent programs."

"Home Away From Home"
"Streamlined hiring. GetLance’s sophisticated algorithms highlight projects you’re a great fit for. Top Rated and Rising Talent programs."